IT Technicians Fired After Reporting Child Porn
Questions to Consider:
1.) What
message is sent to IT workers by the actions of New York Law Schools and
Colleges even if unrelated job-performance issues justified their actions in
firing Gross and Perry?

2.) Since
this incident, a number of states have enacted laws that require workers to
report immediately any child pornography found while servicing equipment. Most
of the laws state that worker who reports such a discovery is immune from any
criminal, civil or administrative liability. Failure to report the discovery
can result to a fine, imprisonment or both. Do you think such laws will
encourage reporting? Why or why not?

Case #3: When Certification Is Justified
Discussion Questions:
How can organizations and vendors
change their certification programs to test or skills as well as core
knowledge? What issues might this introduce?

What are the primary arguments
against certification, and how can certifying bodies change their programs to
overcome these short coming?

What are the benefits of
certification? How might certification programs need to change in the future to
better serve the needs of the IT community?